terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2022

Mala de senhora? É ele quem carrega

1. Qual o contexto cultural? Comparemos com o nosso.

2. Vejamos esta reação: "I saw a man frolicking around with his girl's handbag. Some people may find it sweet (...). To be fair though the missus was weighed down with some huge bags of  groceries but still, that was a very unmanly gesture on his part".

(frolic: brincar, divertir-se...)

1 comentário:

Milu disse...

A expressão "the missus" tem as traduções possíveis: no português popular "a patroa", no de Angola "a senhora"...

Tem a seguinte definição no Collins Dictionary (consultável impresso ou online):

in British English, informal
. one's wife or the wife of the person addressed or referred to
. Examples of 'the missus' in a sentence
Nota bene: These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins.
We welcome feedback: report an example sentence to the Collins team. ...…
.But the missus 's back isn't what it used to be. The Sun (2013) Notem bem a contestável gramaticalidade (?)

.Me and the missus, if you must know. Times, Sunday Times (2007)
.And when the missus doesn't wake up, they don't look so bad! The Sun (2007)
.I might have had to postpone it but don't tell the missus that! The Sun (2007)
.Here, one fella explains how he and the missus got hooked. The Sun (2013)
.And the missus wanted somewhere to keep her horses. Times, Sunday Times (2011)
.The missus was on to me to move it. The Sun (2015)
.Who's been the worst - you or the missus? The Sun (2010)
.Best of all, they can tell the missus it's genuine work. The Sun (2013)
.I haven't heard the missus say that to me before. The Sun (2015)

..... Recolha a: JULY 28, 2022